Tuesday, 20 April 2021

How SORBS ruined my life (old blog)

When this blog entry was written, Open Relay blockers like SORBS were considered the primary defence mechanism against spam email. They are still often used, but not as much as they used to be - for many of the reasons discussed in this article. SPF, DKIM & DMARC have largely taken their place.
SORBS (SPAM and Open Relay Blocking System)
I've had a helluva week so far, and I've got SORBS to thank for it.

SORBS (Spam and Open Relay Blocking System) is an email server reputation service. It (along with other reputation services) collect data on servers that are are either poorly configured (and open to abuse) or actively send spam. Reputation services are an excellent way of protecting against spam. They have very high hit rates and (generally) very low false positives. They also have a very low performance overhead compared with heuristic and bayesian filtering techniques. The mail servers I admister are configured to quarantine all email that is listed by either SORBS, SpamHaus or SpamCop (two other reputation services).

However, sometime last week (when I was off work sick), SORBS listed pretty much all of the hotmail, windows live, yahoo, bigpond, optusnet and myplace servers. There may have been others listed as well.

Responding to a few complaints that came in on Monday about email not being received, I began checking. Then began the sinking feeling that goes along with knowing that I'd have to change the email filtering rules, do some regression tests and then resubmit a week's work of spam through the email filters. SORBS is a very aggressive filter and I've been quite reliant on it for some time.

Less fun was trying to explain the problem to the CEO.

The first part of the quick fix was to move the SORBS check to the end of the anti-SPAM rules of the DMZ mail filter and set it to monitor only - not block. The DMZ mail server is exposed to the Internet and performs basic/quick checks only and does not look at the content of the email messages. It is highly robust and is meant as the front line of defence. It experiences an average of 90 security attacks per hour. It filters about 75% of the email traffic as inappropriate before passing the "possibly okay" messages to the second filter.

The second part was to add a check for zero day threats on the DMZ server and tag messages accordingly.

The third part was to tighten the screws a bit on the second mail filter. This meant decreasing the tolerance limits a little and added a few more checks which included looking for the tags on the email messages placed there by the DMZ mail filter. Usually, this server intercepts about 8% of messages pass to it. Messages quarantined by this server may result in a quarantine message and even a self-release option depending upon the spam score the email receives.

Now that these changes were made, I resubmitted 2143 spam quarantined messages. With the new rules in place, 1963 messages were blocked and 180 passed through to the second filter which blocked a further 68 messages leaving 112 messages sailing through to the mail server. I don't know how what the spam:ham ratio of the 112 messages was but the count seemed to be manageable so I released the remaining 14,000 quarantined messages and sent an email instructing people to forward any received spam to the spam submit mailbox for heuristic analysis. So far, I have 35 spam messages submitted by users which (if accurate) we now have a spam hit rate of 99.75% with (hopefully) a close to zero false positive rate. The hit rate has dropped to 59.4% for the DMZ server and risen to 12.5% for the second filter. Time and monitoring will determine how successful the changes have been.

Moving forward, I have written replacement rules that will no longer quarantine email based upon failed reputation. The new rules will look at SPF (Send Policy Framework - RFC4088) in addition to reputation. If the SPF check passes, the email will be accepted. If SPF fails, it will be dropped. If SPF is 'softfail' or 'none' then it will be subject to a reputation check. Any failure will drop then connection with a 46x error - Temporary Failure, with details as to why sending failed. The sending MTA will then notify the recipient that the email failed to send. The sending server then has the option of implementing SPF. I'd like at some point to add a DKIM check, but that's a reasonably difficult task.

BTW, I am heavily influenced by Ming Weng Wong's whitepaper on Messaging Anti-Abuse:


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