Occasionally, someone will want something that runs best on Linux to be installed on a Windows server. There are various reasons for this, but usually it comes down to "I'm not comfortable with Linux, I want this to run on Windows". Regardless of the reason, if that's what the customer wants, that's what the customer gets.
Just to be clear this point, I'm referring to a WAMP server (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) as close as possible to a 'standard' LAMP server (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) that you'll get from the repo of your favourite distro.
That being said, the LAMP server you'll get from RHEL/CentOS will be significantly different from the one you get from Ubuntu.
When it comes to running Apache on Windows, for strange reasons, that simple decision makes the world a whole lot more complex. You see in Linux, when you decide to run Apache, pretty much all the decisions of 'how' have been made for you by the distribution you are using. And unless you decide to roll-your-own - which most people don't do AND increasingly this is a bad thing to do - they are the decisions you now deal with.
Under Windows, that's not the case. There are more ways to run Apache under Windows than you can poke a stick it at. (If you want to get pedantic, you can say there are an infinite number of ways, but don't go there). A lot of these methods are excluded by the "why" you are running Apache, we'll look at a few of these.
The default way is to download Apache from Apache.org and go from there. That's a lot of work and leads to a lot of stuff being left out.
However, if you want to run Apache as bog standard as possible, without having to do too much low level work, Apache Lounge is a good way to go and the one I'll be detailing here.
Firstly download the binaries from here. Choose the appropriate version (generally 64 bit) and unzip the archive. While you're waiting for it to download, get the Windows c++ runtime redistributable that is appropriate. Apache lounge is written in c++ and requires this in order to run. The Apache Lounge readme and download page will show you which version is necessary - which is currently 2017. Later versions will (may) work, but it's best to get the version the application was written for. Earlier versions will not work.
Apache Lounge is easier to work with than the official Apache distribution. It also 'feels' more flexible. Try both and you'll see what I mean. What I really like is being uncoupled from the "program files" paradigm of Windows. I personally prefer to have both the binaries and the data separate from the C: drive, so that's the assumption we'll be using here.
Next extract the zip files and copy the Apache24 directory structure to D:\apache24. It may be a good idea to change the folder preferences for full visibility including hidden files and showing the filename extension.
As an aside here, it is also a good idea to prep your server to have the following utilities installed and available:
- Chrome browser (or firefox, safari, opera etc)
- putty
- winscp
- telnet client
- tftp client
Edit the D:\apache24\conf\httpd.conf file to add/edit lines as follows (in most cases this is done by looking for the near identical line and either editing it or remove the '#':
Define SRVROOT "D:/Apache24"
Listen *:80
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
ServerAdmin <youremailaddress>
ServerName <your servername or localhost>:80
DocumentRoot "D:/webroot"
AllowOverride All
<Directory "D:/webroot">
Check the config file carefully. Work here will pay off later.Change to the bin directory and run the following:
httpd -t
If the configuration is fine, check that ports 80 and 443 are not in use by running:
netstat -ao | findstr ":80"
netstat -ao | findstr ":443"
Most likely you'll find port 80 in use. The last number is the process ID of the service tying up the port. Identify the service from the process ID using Task Manager and disable that service. If the PID is 4, then this is the system service http.sys and it becomes annoying and potentially a problem....
Under later versions of Windows Server, some processes communicate using http via port 80. The purpose of http.sys is to redirect that data to the appropriate service. You can test this by using the telnet client to telnet to 80 and pressing return twice. You should get something like the following as output:
If you can live without the services, firstly stop the http.sys service using
net stop http
You will get something like the following:
Answer 'y' and stop the services. You can (and should) script this process by taking not of all the services that need to be stopped and explicitly stopping them. You will likely have to do this frequently.
Download MySQL installer and MySQL workbench(From https://seravo.fi/2015/10-reasons-to-migrate-to-mariadb-if-still-using-mysql)
The original MySQL was created by a Finnish/Swedish company, MySQL
AB, founded by David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael ”Monty” Widenius.
The first version of MySQL appeared in 1995.
It was initially created for personal usage but in a few years evolved
into a enterprise grade database and it became the worlds most popular
open source relational database software – and it still is. In January
2008, Sun Microsystems bought MySQL for $1 billion. Soon after, Oracle
acquired all of Sun Microsystems after getting approval from the
European Commission in late 2009, which initially stopped the
transaction due to concerns that such a merger would harm the database
markets as MySQL was the main competitor of Oracle’s database product.
Out of distrust in Oracle stewardship of MySQL, the original developers of MySQL forked it and created MariaDB in 2009. As time passed, MariaDB replaced MySQL in many places
Current is 10.3.15 stable. Download x64 msi package.
Installation of MySQL
Download MySQL Workbench. Trust me: You need this!
Current version 8.0.16 Requires
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
MySQL Community Server
The full installer includes all windows packages and is a 373MB download. The installer is 32 bit but it includes both 32 and 64 bit binaries.
The installer does not permit upgrades between major and minor version
numbers - these are installed as separate server instances - but it will
perform upgrades within a release series eg: 5.7.18 to 5.7.19.
The installer also requires .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later.
Post installation testing of MySQL/MariaDB
The service should start immediately after installation. Check the MySQL service is running.
Check you can login from the command line using the root user and password generated before.
Installing PHP
From https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.php)
Which version do I choose?
If you are using PHP as FastCGI with IIS you should use the Non-Thread Safe (NTS) versions of PHP.Apache
Please use the Apache builds provided by Apache Lounge. They provide VC14 and VC15 builds of Apache for x86 and x64. We use their binaries to build the Apache SAPIs.With Apache you have to use the Thread Safe (TS) versions of PHP.
VC14 & VC15
More recent versions of PHP are built with VC14 or VC15 (Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 compiler respectively) and include improvements in performance and stability.- The VC14 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or x64 installed
- The VC15 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 x64 or x86 installed
TS and NTS
TS refers to multithread capable builds. NTS refers to single thread only builds. Use case for TS binaries involves interaction with a multithreaded SAPI and PHP loaded as a module into a web server. For NTS binaries the widespread use case is interaction with a web server through the FastCGI protocol, utilizing no multithreading (but also for example CLI).What is PGO?
Profile Guided Optimization is an optimization feature available in Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler that allows you to optimize an output file based on profiling data collected during test runs of the application or module.Links:
amd64 (x86_64) Builds
PHP 7 provides full 64-bit support. The x64 builds of PHP 7 support native 64-bit integers, LFS, 64-bit memory_limit and much more.
Add C:\php
to the path environment variable
To ensure Windows can find PHP, you need to change the path
environment variable. Open Settings, type ‘environment variables’ into
the search field and open the result. Select the “Advanced” tab, and
click the “Environment Variables” button.Scroll down the System variables list and click on “Path” followed by the “Edit” button. Click “Edit text” and add
to the end of the Variable value line (remember the semicolon).edit httpd.conf to add index.php to the DirectoryIndex variable
At the bottom of the file, add the following lines (change the PHP file locations if necessary):
# PHP5 module
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "C:/php"
Save the configuration file and test it from the command line (Start > Run > cmd):
cd Apache2bin
httpd -t
Open a command prompt with administrator privileges. Use curl to download the pear install file into the php7 directory
curl -OL http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
If you use a browser to download the file, it renders as text but with binary characters embedded. This will stop the script from working, hence the need to use curl.
php -d phar.require_hash=0 go-pear.phar
You will then be prompted with a few questions. If the defaults don't work, you probably haven't elevated the privileges of the command prompt. If option 12 lists the Windows path, you haven't set the PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR variable. Editing here doesn't work, which is why you need to set the variable. You will need to enter the path to cli.exe- in our case this is d:\php7.
Note: If any of the directories already exists, you may get a 'permission denied' error for that directory. In which case, delete the directory and run the script again.
The rest of the defaults should be okay, but check them anyway. Once finished, a reg file called PEAR_ENV.reg will be created. Execute that to add the necessary keys to the registry.
Finally, check that PEAR is working using pear version:
Now, hopefully you read all this through before attempting it and are utterly confused by the process. If you, that's great! No go and install Linux and deploy Apache that way. Trust me! It's much easier and safer. Plus when you get into trouble and need to troubleshooting, pretty much any article you'll find will assume you are using Linux.
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