Okay, you're offsite and someone rings up to say the email system isn't working. Now, you KNOW that nine times out of ten the email system is working perfectly - it's just something the user is doing wrong. How can you quickly check to see if email is working without logging into the servers? Well, you could simply send an email from your gmail account to your work account and vice versa. That would be a good indication that everything is working, but if you don't get the email, it tells you absolutely nothing other than something might be wrong with the email system.
Most enterprise mail systems have a number of servers involved in the generation, transmission and reception of email. In generic terms we have the following elements:
MTA - Mail Transfer Agent
MDA - Mail Delivery Agent
MSA - Mail Submission Agent
MRA - Mail Retrieval Agent
MFA - Mail Filtering Agent
MUA - Mail Usage Agent
MDA - Mail Delivery Agent
MSA - Mail Submission Agent
MRA - Mail Retrieval Agent
MFA - Mail Filtering Agent
MUA - Mail Usage Agent
Many sysadmins may exclaim at this point "Hang on - I don't remember there being that many elements to email delivery!" and the reason for that is we are now in the post-Marid world of Internet based mail as explained by RFC5598 - 2009. Quite simply: Things are different now. If you are running a mail system that was setup before this time and not updated, chances are that you aren't RFC-compliant to the IETF standard. If you're running MS Exchange out-of-the-box, then you definitely aren't standards compliant. However, making your email system RFC-compliant is the stuff of another article...
RFC5598 divides the various agents into their respective areas of responsibility called "Responsible Actor Roles". These are:
- User
- Message Handling System (MHS)
- ADministrative Management Domain (ADMD)
- Message Handling System (MHS)
- ADministrative Management Domain (ADMD)
The traditional flow of email was:
MUA -> MTA -> .... -> MTA -> MUA
Now, the email flow is more commonly:
MUA -> MSA -> MTA -> ... -> MTA -> MFA -> MDA --> MRA --> MUA
where -> is a push operation and --> is a pull operation.
Obviously, in such a system there are a number of elements that can go wrong and be described as "the email system is down".
On email systems I administer, I usually create a dummy account called "Email-Check". At its most basic level, you set it up with an Out of Office reply that says "Email is working". However it doesn't end there. Each point in your message reception system can be setup to respond with diagnostics on each component. A fully working system will received replies from each component in the chain. In the second example, if you send your email to email-check@your-domain and receive a reply from the MTA and MFA, but not the MDA or the MRA, then you can reasonably assume the problem lies with the MDA - that should be the place you start looking.
Practical Examples
1. Write a rule in MailMarshal that triggers when the to: address is email-check. Have the rule execute as an external command the file "mail-check.cmd" and pass the following parameters to it: servername@domain {ReplyTo} {SenderIP} {HelloName}
2. Write email-check as follows:
@echo off
cd \scripts
cd \scripts
echo Email check for [servername] > mmcheck.txt
echo. >> mmcheck.txt
echo.|time|grep current >> mmcheck.txt
echo [Servername] Mail Marshal Service Information >>mmcheck.txt
echo. >>mmcheck.txt
start /wait msinfo32.exe /categories +SWEnvServices /report msinfo.txt
type msinfo.txt | grep MailMarshal >> mmcheck.txt
echo. >>mmcheck.txt
echo Sending IP : %3 >>mmcheck.txt
echo Helo Name : %4 >>mmcheck.txt
echo. >> mmcheck.txt
echo.|time|grep current >> mmcheck.txt
echo [Servername] Mail Marshal Service Information >>mmcheck.txt
echo. >>mmcheck.txt
start /wait msinfo32.exe /categories +SWEnvServices /report msinfo.txt
type msinfo.txt | grep MailMarshal >> mmcheck.txt
echo. >>mmcheck.txt
echo Sending IP : %3 >>mmcheck.txt
echo Helo Name : %4 >>mmcheck.txt
echo Sending Mail.
bmail -s -t %2 -f %1 -h -a "MailMarshal Check [ServerName]" -m mmcheck.txt > sentmail.txt
Of course, you'll need to source the executables for grep.exe and bmail.exe or provide substitutes in order for this to work.
Postfix / Sendmail
If you are running a postfix or Sendmail, then this job can be done using a milter. A milter is generally written in C, Python or PERL. Personally, I prefer PERL. The way you write your script will depend on your actual setup. I plan on posting a postfix setup example sometime, I'll include a milter for email-check at that time.
Unfortunately, dealing with actual messages in Exchange requires an MUA. I don't see any way around this except by setting one up to act on these messages. Technically, there's nothing to stop you running an Outlook client on an Exchange server with autologon (other than sheer common sense that is).
Being a full groupware system, there are a number of ways that Groupwise can respond and react to email messages at the server level. The easiest way is through the Groupwise API engine (GWAPI). The GWAPI can respond to the content in messages and trigger external scripts and is relatively simple to install and configure. The only downside is that ongoing development of the API has ceased since version 5 - so it will essentially run as an external system and only on a Netware server. The next easiest option is to write a Custom 3rd Party Object (C3PO), however that will essentially be an MUA that requires the Groupwise client to be installed. The elegant solution is to create a Trusted Application using the Groupwise TAPI that will directly access the message store.
Lotus Notes/Domino
Any decent Notes system will have at least one programmer managing the Notes/Domino infrastructure. Implementing a script to report on the status of the Domino system should be trivial.
Recognize, however, that there is a balance between being
ReplyDeletein touch and being pestered. Using an execute query method (Java Script is perfect) send
the query to the server. Lotus Notes in all respects is
highly advanced and thus organizations do not feel a hitch in
showing their interest in it.